Saturday, May 24, 2008

Day 11 - "The Control Room"


So, the actual song for today isn't phenomenal, but I think the production of it was pretty surprisingly good. I really had absolutely nothing planned for this one, and by the end it almost sounded a little pop-country-ish.

Now the story gets going again. This one is preeeeeety far fetched, but here's whats supposed to be happening. After our hero sabotages his own house to see his love again, he fails (the male plumber shows up instead.) So in this one, he's taking it about ten steps further by infiltrating his city's water treatment plant. Inside he finds a big red button marked "nation's water supply", and he presses it. For some fantastical reason, this dumps out all of the water...everywhere, causing a flood on a massive scale. Un inondazione, if you will. I haven't really decided if he floods the entire world, or just the country, but either way, it's bad, and he's a pretty evil dude for doing it. That's basically what you need to know. If you think this part of the story is weird, or doesn't make sense, you might be in for some more suprises later down the line. I've got some ideas, yes indeed.

Also, for some reason, this song is sung as a voicemail to the main character's friend. I have absolutely no idea why I decided to do this, other than the fact that when I started playing the chords on my guitar, the first words out of my mouth were "Hey man, I'm calling you back."

This song taught me a valuable lesson: bad lyrics can be covered up if they're immediately followed by a jarring sound effect.

I've had lots of fun comments on this thing. To respond to some of them:
-Yes, you can play or sing on the album if you want, just let me know when you want to do it and I'll write a song just for you.
-The story seems like it's going nowhere, but hey, I'm taking it 2 minutes at a time, and there are still 29 songs left in this thing. your friend Dan.
-Yes, some of the songs are too short. But that's better than too long, right? RIGHT?!?

Anyways, enjoy today's. Heavy on the plot development, light on the originality. Forecast for tomorrow: epic, with a 100% chance of metal.


Anonymous said...

Haha... you were right about the sound effect.

I liked it! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

This made me giggle. Not hard to do, but still...I liked it.

Anonymous said...

Dan, that was practically...gasp...pop! Of course it still has its dark side, but it's hummable, memorable....i.e. I like it! And I especially like how the story took an evil turn. Nice job! You've got us hooked!

Anonymous said...

Dan! This is super great!
Looking forward to the metal!
all best