Friday, May 16, 2008

Day 3 - "Tubi Belli Plumbing"


Finally! The first good song is here. I wrote the melody to this one in literally 5 minutes, on my way out the door. Then I wrote all the lyrics during some of the dead time at work. Which brings up an interesting point...even though I said I'm taking a day to write each song, it's actually no more than about 2 hours for each. One of the things I wanted to make sure of was that this project didn't get in the way of my social or work life...all I have to do is replace my few hours of bumming around on the internet each day with songwriting. It's kind of like a diet...for the soul.

This song features my sister Maria as a beautiful female plumber, who is, at this point in the story, nameless. She is a skilled employee of Tubi Belli plumbing, and apparently likes to sing a bit while she works. By the end of this song, you should pick up on where the story is headed.

I'm very happy with this one. Expect to hear Maria singing throughout the rest of the project...she's a quick learner!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Some day they will be having Dan Waldkirch night on American Idol. Maria is fantastic!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You two are very talented! Where does that some from?? Say, let me know if you ever introduce a cranky older landlady character...