Friday, June 6, 2008

Day 24 - "A Watery Lullaby (reprise)"


So, there's not too much to say about this one. What happened was, I wrote what was going to be today's song yesterday, then I recorded it and almost finished it. Then I realized that it sort of comes out of nowhere, and I didn't really set it up properly. So this morning I recorded this little interlude to make tomorrow's less...unexpected. I have to assert that with each of these songs, I'm keeping the big picture in mind...I always take into consideration how the previous song ended and how the next one will they would work when listening to it on a CD or something.

In this one, Luna sings her little lullaby again...but something seems to be coming closer...something ominous...something metal.

This mix is definitely pretty thin...I'll probably add more eventually.

I'm starting to get some severe burnout on this thing. I had all of these good ideas to start out with, and then I used them up after, oh, about 5 days. But luckily, I'm not one to make excuses. There will be 16 more songs in the next 16 days, and a bunch of them will be really good, including tomorrow's.


Karen said...

Well, I liked it for obvious reasons, until the end. (Sorry, but I have to be honest.) It's a very pretty, haunting melody.

Karen said...

See, I don't comment anonymously and everybody goes away. I'm going back into hiding. C'mon people. Dan needs his comments!

Dan W. said...

Eh, this one's just not really comment-worthy.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dan, do you know where there is lots of water? Yeah, you do. I won't tell you.

- Anonymous