Friday, June 13, 2008

Day 31 - "Blue and Cold"


So, the story here is taking a bit of a strange turn, only because I didn't really put anything in the music to show what happened in between yesterday's song and today's song. It goes something like this: the fish's celebration is cut short by an unexpected guest. On the fish's sonar systems (yes, they have sonar, and you can hear it in this song), they spot a visitor: Mr. Squid, coming to destroy the city! Mr. Squid's motivations are dark and mysterious, but all you need to know is that he's on his way, and it's going to take a fish army to stop him.

(After reading that paragraph to myself, I'm starting to fear that this project is starting to eat away at my sanity.)

So this is the fish captain, marching his fish army out into battle. The hardest part of this was lining up the marching sounds with the music...I wanted it to sound slightly off the whole time, which took a lot of editing. Also, I really need to stop shouting in my voice is starting to go, and I'm going to need it for the ending I'm sure.

The credit goes to my mom for the idea of an army chant for a song. I was going to write an actual march a few days ago, but I've done that before...this is better. At this point, it isn't really "what should I write this song about?" it's "what style haven't I done yet?" If anyone has a request for a style of music they'd like to hear, I would be very interested.

This song is really short, but I feel like it's too long. The next few songs are going to be rather short, because a) I'm working most of the weekend, and b) this song hit the 70 minute mark for the project. I don't want the whole thing going over 90 minutes. That's just too much.


Anonymous said...

Loved it.

As for music styles--I think reggae and ska would be appropriate. I'd also be thrilled to see what you could do with them.

Karen said...

Hey, thanks for the credit.

This is hilarious. Grandpa Ken will definitely love it, because of course he taught you "G.I. beans and G.I. gravy, gee I wished I'd joined the navy" when you were very young. This is a very worthy effort.

Anonymous said...

I am impressed by your knowledge of fish anatomy.

- Anonymous

Anonymous said...

I once used a dorsal fin to saw off my left arm to save my life when diving in the gulf.

-Anonymous (with gruff manly voice)

PS. How about some old school rap-action?

Anonymous said...

What about Gregorian chant?